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Financial Highlights

Financial Highlights

Unit : Million Baht View All



Shareholders' Equity

Summary of operating results

Unit : Million Bath

financial statements
31 Dec 22 31 Dec 23 30 Sep 24
Revenue from sale of goods and rendering of services 2,000.22 1,791.56 546.40
Revenue from construction contract 116.82 177.86 1.47
Total Revenue 2,117.04 1,969.42 547.87
Cost of sale of goods and rendering of services 1,690.09 1,452.00 434.61
Costs of project construction 110.27 159.61 2.15
Total Cost 1,800.36 1,611.61 436.76
Gross profit
Gross Profit from sale of goods and rendering of services 310.13 339.57 111.79
Gross Profit (Loss from construction contract 6.54 18.24 0.68
Total Gross profit 316.67 357.81 111.11
Other Income 8.44 32.13 1.58
Distribution costs 23.50 24.52 7.52
Administrative expense 158.09 179.19 47.08
Finance cost 19.89 28.94 15.38
Income tax expenses 22.85 29.71 9.75
Profit for the period 100.78 127.58 32.96
Total comprehensive income for the period 100.78 127.78 32.96
Basic earnings per share EPS) (THB per share) 0.14 0.18 0.05